Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Brain Fitness For Rockford, Illinois

Can you work out your brain? Sure can. I didn't know until a couple of years ago that the human brain grows neurons every day, and actually no one knew that we could do that until about 12 years ago, but we can, and you can prime the pump so to speak if you take care of the Pillars of Brain Fitness.

Those pillars are; physical exercise, nutrition, including lots of omega 3 fatty acid and antioxidants, sleep, stress, management and novel learning experiences.

Sounds like what your mom and grandmother told you to do as a kid, right? Well, there is some truth to that, and a lot more science.

I am going to opt for attending to stress management for example, heart beat by heart beat, using the Heartmath heart rate variability biofeedback tool.

You can try out the Heartmath tool at Logan Counseling in Loves Park, Illinois, and you can read an excellent e-book called Brainfit for Life written by Simon Evans,Ph.D. and Paul Burghradt, Ph.D. which is written for us non-neuroscientists.

More on Evans and Burghardt tomorrow and why being called a fathead is a good thing.

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